Friday, June 25, 2010

What a fabulous idea!

Today was the last day of Term 2 at work. No more kids for 2 weeks. Yay!! Seeing as I did not have much work to do today I got onto searching for LOL Cats for a bit of a laugh. I found some hillarious ones and had to make one my new background. My collegue had a fantastic idea for my literacy classses next term and I'm totally gonna try it. She suggested taking in some funny cat pictures and getting the students to make up LOL cat captions for them. They would have to write them correctly first, using proper grammar and spelling and then they could try and make them funnier by changing the grammar and spelling. I have some hillarious pictures of my cat doing crazy things or giving me funny looks so I'm gonna take them in next term and do the activity with them. I think this will be a really great activity.
I have got heaps of books to read over the holidays so hopefully I finish the reading challenge by the time I get back. I'll post some of my book reviews on here.
Feel free to comment. Check out the LOL cats I found!

1 comment:

Got something to say. I say go for it!